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  • Girls who got away

    Girls, those strange creatures who still lived somehow outside of daily life, had become brief but intense obsessions. Walking down Marlow High Street, I would have conversations with myself about why this…

  • Heart Attack!

    As soon as I found the hostel job in Banff, I sent a postcard home to give mum, dad and Sue my address: General Delivery, Banff, Alberta. The picture on the card…

  • Alberta Stories

    My path to Neil Young began with the Woodstock movie when it showed at the Marlow Regal, the local cinema just off the High Street, in the summer of 1970. We were…

  • Adrian

    Adrian Wynne is my coolest friend ever. He brought long hair with him to Sir William Borlase’s School in Marlow, where we met in September 1968. His father, an RAF squadron leader…