Occasionally, magazines or web media like Yahoo will list sources of possible stress in a person’s lifetime, and attempt to compare them or rank them. There are terrible life-changing occurrences on these…
Nick and Tom in Paris: the rest of us in Santa Cruz
It was Christmas 1997 before Nick and Tom paid their first visit to the rest of us in Santa Cruz, where we had moved in June 1997. The intervening six months had been a…
1997: Marrying and emigrating
For the first time this year, we are sending our Christmas wishes with a recap of the year. We feel that, with all our moves and changes, we’re losing touch with too many people…
La Bellanderie (1996-7)
“Le bonheur grande nature. Une seule année aura suffi pour nous faire regretter cette maison à deux pas du Paris-Brest dans les Yvelines. Au rez-de-chaussée, les pièces communes, petit salon, grand salon, bibliothèque et…
L’école d’Hermeray
Nick and Tom started at l’école d’Hermeray in January 1994, when Sunshine and I moved to Le Tahu in the village of Hermeray, about 75km southwest of Paris in the Forêt de…
Our Wedding: May 24, 1997, St. Hilarion, France
Here we are, at the reception in La Bellanderie, our lovely home in Saint Hilarion, southwest of Paris on the old road to Chartres. The French civil service had done its duty, and it…
Grandma Stock
My mother left us all on July 24, 1996, but not before giving our entire new family a rousing welcome and wonderful support. Grandma took my new blended family to heart, all of…
Fabi, Jean et les quatre filles !
The Fabi-Jean family, four children and from Paris, is very partial to the USA. And not just because Fabienne and Jean’s wedding took place in Las Vegas about nine months before ours. Regretfully, we did…