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  • 2000: Y2K without incident

    For our family as for the world, which had been dreading some bizarre kind of computer meltdown with the start of the new millenium, Y2K passed pretty much without dramatic incident. Accordingly,…

  • 1999: Nick and Tom back

    HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYBODY!!!! Here in Santa Cruz, 1999 has been a very good year. Here’s hoping that your year has gone half as well! First things first. On April 15, 1999 the Versailles…

  • 1998: Alex cruises in

    This is the letter that we sent to friends and family around Christmas of 1998. We’ve edited a little, in particular to add a few more photos, but the below is very…

  • 1997: Marrying and emigrating

    For the first time this year, we are sending our Christmas wishes with a recap of the year. We feel that, with all our moves and changes, we’re losing touch with too many people…

  • 1996: a crappy year

    Grandma began 1996 by spending New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day too for that matter, in Wycombe Hospital, four miles from her home in Marlow. Her ailments were increasing and diversifying into cancer. What upset…

  • 1995: Along came Charlie!

    1995 was already more than half over when Charlie arrived, but the whole year was softened and warmed by his arrival. From the moment Marie-Hélène deduced that she was “enceinte,” something special…

  • 1994: Like a Hurricane!

    We moved in together in August 1994, and all hell broke loose! But maybe it would be more accurate to say that all hell was breaking lose when we moved in together.…