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As we guys of the male gender know (thank you, Dave Barry!), there are moments of warmth and affection which simply cannot be avoided.

This shot, of Alban wincing in the vice-like grip of his deeply affectionate sister, demonstrates that ultimately there really is nothing that we can do about it.

It’s May 2001, and he is still (we suppose) blissfully unaware of how his perceptions of these issues may change!

For the moment, the most notable detail of this photo from Alban’s point of view is the red marks on his legs, which are skateboard wounds. Marie-Hélène took this one.

Next, on the right, a similar shot. Despite Alex demonstrating some misgivings, he too is entitled to a little sisterly affection!

Similar misgivings can be seen below left, on Charlie‘s part this time, as his Maman dives in
close to congratulate him on graduating from Happy Valley School in June 2007. What’s his dad doing or saying?!

Of course, not all “bisous” evoke misgivings.

Below right is Maman’s mother’s day kiss from Daphné in 2007, taken outside Ideal Cafe at the top of the beach in Santa Cruz. Other photos of the two women in the household can be found here.

On the left, here is Charlie, this time demonstrating enthusiasm for the kiss. Maman tenders her cheek in Reading, England, near Ian’s childhood home during our 2003 summer vacation near Marlow.

There are other “bisous” here.

Other more or less haphazard family groupings are here (our kitties), here (big kids with
little kids) and here (Charlie and Alex).